Answer: there is an easy way to know how to format damaged sd card in android and that is the following steps in this answer. We will learn how to format sd card android fat32 and to format sd card android Ntfs here. We would require a care reader to format sd card android and then by performing the rest written in the answer.
- Insert the sd card in computer using a card reader
- Go to start menu below and search for “cmd” in the list
- Click on cmd.exe from the available options
- Right click on that option which will show you the other options to format the damaged sd card
- Then type “chkdsk /X /f sd card letter:” or “chkdsksd card letter: /f ” and the work will be done
We can perform the same action by using third party too. The steps would be as here:
- Insert the sd card in computer using a card reader
- Use easeUS tool for formatting
- Select the card to be formatted and click on format partition
- Another small window pops out which allows editing of partition label
- Choose a system file as FAT/FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3.
- Final is to click on apply and the card will be formatted.