couple of problems all my usb hubs are not working as well as my 10


a couple of problems all my usb hubs are not working as well as my drive. I had had this pro blem befor and thought it was fixed but not. i am using windows 10

Wayne Judd Answered question August 20, 2018
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-directly unplug the computer from the power supply and restart the computer again
-if windows is unable to detect the device, it will show up as “unknown device” on the device manager. Go to Device Manager, open other devices , right click on Unknown Device > properties > Driver Tab >  update driver
-unplug all the usb devices that are connected to the computer and restart the computer
-in device manager, expand USB Serial Bus Controllers, right-click on USB Root Hub and then click on Properties.Click on the Power Management tab and uncheck the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power box. If you have more than one USB Root Hub listed, you need to repeat these steps for each one.Click OK and then restart your computer.
-update the Generic USB Hub
-Uninstall USB Root Hub, they maybe four to five usb root hub depending on the computer you are using. right click on “usb root hub” and uninstall the driver. NOTE: uninstall only the usb root hubs. Restart the computer.

venmartin Changed status to publish August 20, 2018
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