re-register my HP office jet 6962


I gave my hp printer to a friend and she is trying to register it . How do I “disown it ” so that she can register it ? It is a Office Jet 6962

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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yamsi (anonymous) 0 Comments

I face the same thing the last time when my old email account was cancelled. It is easy to re-register to a new email account.
Open any browser and go to “HP Connected” and then sign in to your account. “My Printer” window will open up and you can see a list of printers connected to the account. Search for the printer that you want to modify the email address and then click on “Settings” Under “Your Printer’s Email” option, click on “Change Email”. Enter your new Email Address in the box and then click OK. After that your new email will be registered immediately.
Let me know if that helps

venmartin Changed status to publish May 8, 2018
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