hp photosmart7525 will not print but will scan and make copies


My HP Photosmart 7525 will not print, however it will scan and make photo copies no problem. I tried to reboot, disconnect power, reconnect etc…without success. Any suggestions ?

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Chang tum (anonymous) 0 Comments

If you can scan and make copies but you are not able to print then the issue could be due to the printer drivers. Before uninstalling and reinstalling the printer drivers, open and run the HP Print and Scan doctor to Diagnose the issue and automatically resolve any issue with the printer and the computer. If the problem still persist, click on the link below that will redirect you to the hp website to download the full featured software and drivers https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-photosmart-7520-e-all-in-one-printer-series/5199461/model/5286642

venmartin Changed status to publish July 6, 2018
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