The paper feed on top of my Printerwill not work Office Jet 4650


The paper feed on top of my Printerwill not work Office Jet 4650

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Renato Lop (anonymous) 0 Comments

I can suggest a few steps to resolve the issue but if it does not help, contact the printer support number to get the printer service. To troubleshoot this issue, make sure the condition of the paper is not curled or it has not absorbed moisture as this causes the paper to not go into the paper feed. Also, before feeding the paper into the tray, align the stack of papers by tapping them on top of a flat surface.
Clean the printer rollers. Find the large rubber rollers in your printer and clean them using a lightly moisten a clean, lint-free cloth with water.
Reset the printer- unplugged the power cord from the back of the printer while the printer is still switched on. Wait for a minute and plug it back into the printer

venmartin Changed status to publish July 23, 2018
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