trying to connect my 3752 printer to my labtop but need help.need steps on how to connect using usb


i was trying to connect my 3752 printer to my labtop but i need help. i need steps on how to connect it using usb

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Janidelf (anonymous) 0 Comments

Disconnect the printer USB cable from the computer. Do not reconnect the cable until prompted during the driver installation step. If you have previously installed the drivers or other printers connected to it before, remove it from the list. Search Windows for ‘devices’, and then click the Devices and Printers control panel setting in the results. Right-click the icon for your printer model, and then click Remove device. If multiple icons exist for the printer, remove them all.Close the Devices and Printers window. Download and install the full featured software and driver. When prompted by the installer to choose a printer connection option, select USB to continue with and complete the setup. Connect the USB only when prompt by the installer. Try to print, scan, or fax.

venmartin Changed status to publish August 7, 2018
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