What is RGT File QuickBooks Extension and How to Use it?

The RGT file QuickBooks extension gives you a safe way to open your company files. The primary function of the program is to verify certain permissions that you need to open such items. This use of the .rgt extension can be applied on both Mac and Windows systems. Mainly, you need verified permissions on the operating systems to securely run your QuickBooks company files. Developed by Relic Entertainment, you can download it via Intuit’s official store. Known by another name, Relic Entertainment Game Texture file, the program can also be removed when not required for any reason. 

Overall, using the QuickBooks RGT file can be simple and comes with the flexibility to easily install, update, and delete. Having said this, it can be worth knowing more about the extension to better understand its uses.

What is a QuickBooks RGT File?

RGT or Relic Entertainment Game Texture can be comprehended as a file or an extension. It is important for accessing the files that you store in the folder of QB. It can be recognized by its .rgt extension.

While a user runs QuickBooks, files are needed for multiple processes. These files are placed in particular folders. The folders may either be allocated by default or the user may decide the location. When files are opened from these folders, certain permissions are needed for verification purposes. The RGT file in QuickBooks works as a temporary one for the verification of these permissions. With this process being complete, the company files of the software can be accessed through a network.

How to Use RGT File QuickBooks Extension to Open Files?

The file extension having .rgt is of use for opening Intuit QuickBooks company files on both Windows and Mac. You need to get the program from Intuit that lets you avail of the extension. Then you can follow the particular prompts to run a file through it, after its installation. The prompts vary as per the OS on your computer. 

Tip: While you download and install the program for the RGT file QuickBooks extension, please ensure that its version is the latest one. It can be devoid of bugs. Hence, opening your company files through it may not lead to any possible error codes.

Method 1: On Windows

To utilize the Relic Entertainment Game Texture file extension, you can start by downloading it. Then post the installation, you have to use RGT as the default extension. On Windows, this is done when you try opening a QB company file. You will have the option to pick the program. Now, using the instructions available after the choice, you can set the extension for the QuickBooks RGT file as the default one.

  • You have to go to the online store of Intuit QuickBooks.
  • Search for the “.rgt” extension file’s program.
  • Download the program and completely install it.

Tip: Updates might be released for the “.rgt” extension as you keep using in the future. Please download and implement them when available.

  • See to it that you choose the extension as the default one for running QB files.
  • Now, run your company file.
  • You should see the message “How do You Want to Open this File?”. You have to choose the first app to open your file. Right-tap on “RGT” and then choose “Open with”.
  • Click on “Choose Another App”.
  • Next, you have to go to “More Apps”. It will show a list of the options available.
  • Then opt for “Look for Another App on this PC”.
  • Choose a folder for installation via “File Explorer” on Windows.
  • Ensure that you choose the following option:
    • “Always Use this App to Open RGT Files”
  • Tap on “Ok”.

Now that the RGT file extension will be at default, you can launch items with verified permissions.

Method 2: For Mac/Apple Computers

Given that you want to use the RGT file QuickBooks extension to open items on Mac, it is essential that you set it as the primary program. Once you get this extension on the PC, right-click to run it. From the tab for Information, you can choose the Open with option. It will help in making this the primary or default extension program to access the QB files.

  • You have to check Intuit’s online store. Here, please find the RGT extension program.
  • Then go through with its download and installation.
  • In step 3, right-clicking on the “RGT” file is required.
  • You should reach the menu of this program. Tap on “Information”.
  • On your Mac, an option called “Open with” should appear. Push it.
  • The user will have a list. A suitable program needs to be selected.
  • For confirming your selection, hit “Change for All”.
  • Wait until this message appears on the Apple computer’s display:
    • “This Change will be Applied to All Files with RGT Extension”
  • Tap on “Continue”.
  • With this, the extension for your QuickBooks RGT file should be the primary one for running the software’s files. You can start opening files via it.

Note: To keep the “.rgt” extension working on both Windows and Mac systems, it is crucial to keep it error-free. For this assurance, please scan it often and remove malware when found. In addition, use your account on the computer with admin rights to provide all the necessary permissions to this extension.

How to Delete an RGT File in QuickBooks?

It is useful to learn that the Relic Entertainment Game Texture file can be connected with a QuickBooks backup file. When you prepare a backup file, RGT gets removed. In general, you can use a folder like QBBackupTemp for keeping the software’s components. This storage is not permanent. It is essential to note that the components remain here mainly when you are creating QuickBooks backup.

In the process, the QuickBooks RGT file also gets stored in the location. As the backup reaches completion, the components in the folder, including this file, get removed. 


The developers of the accounting software can make several programs available for ensuring that you securely and conveniently open your files. The Relic Entertainment Game Texture file is a part of these programs. Learning about it in length and seeing its uses should henceforth assist you in using it in a better way.

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