My computer is running slow

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My computer is running very slow and it takes so much time to load anything

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018

do not forget to check if the cpu fan is getting obstructed by dust or other things. my desktop was heating up a lot and i never noticed it. changed the slow running fan and cleared all paths that was obstructing the air flow and now it is all better.

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luka (anonymous) 0 Comments

My advice would be
1: Uninstall unused programs (open control panel >> Install/uninstall programs). Delete all the unwanted programs or games that you don’t use anymore. Perform a restart when you are done.
2: Defragment your hard disk.
3: Download and install a well known anti-virus program online and run a full scan to make sure there are not any viruses on your computer. I would recommend uninstalling the program after the complete scan, because they tend to take a fair amount of resources themselves.
4.Perform a hard disk scan to check if the issue is caused due to the hardware problem of the disk
If these don’t work, you may try a full re-install of your OS. There are many other potential suggestions but hopefully this is a good start!

venmartin Changed status to publish May 9, 2018
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Andy (anonymous) 0 Comments

thanks for the suggested steps. i had the same problem and its was due to a infection but just to be safe i did all the steps.

venmartin Changed status to publish July 18, 2018
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