Fishbowl and QuickBooks Integration: Syncing Methods, Features, & Benefits to Know

Fishbowl and QuickBooks Integration: Syncing Methods, Features, & Benefits to Know

Integrating Fishbowl with QuickBooks binds together the best features of the two platforms. For business owners, these features promise better accounting operations and management of inventory. For Fishbowl and QuickBooks integration, the QB Integration Wizard is used the most. The QuickBooks Integration Wizard runs in the single-user mode and quickly sets up users. With this, you are able to use a company file of the accounting software and use it for synchronizing with the Fishbowl application.

For using this wizard, there are several instructions that you may require. This blog helps you know and understand these instructions. Additionally, you can prefer this reading for knowing the features and benefits of integrating QB with the professional networking application.

This outline has been formed using the following sections:

What does it Mean to Integrate Fishbowl and QuickBooks?

Fishbowl and QuickBooks integration refers to a process via which these platforms are combined. Their features are synced and the users are able to conveniently utilize them. This process aims to reduce the need to separately use fishbowl and QuickBooks.

Features of Fishbowl QuickBooks Integration

The following are the most promising features of integrating QB and the Fishbowl application:

  • You can make purchase orders. These orders can also be transferred for creating additional entries in QuickBooks Online.
  • In general ledger, work orders that are complete can be quickly posted.
  • The user is provided with several packing, picking, sales order, shipping, and Fishbowl inventory QuickBooks integration options.
  • Adjustments relating to assets and accounting can be made.
  • The synchronization between QuickBooks and Fishbowl enables you to add new merchants as well as customers. 

Tips to Follow Before Integrating QuickBooks with Fishbowl

While integrating QB with the networking app, Fishbowl, certain issues may be seen. To check that no Fishbowl QuickBooks integration issues arise, please make use of these 3 tips:

  • Ensure that the information added to QuickBooks is accurate. Information with errors may get transferred to Fishbowl. Thus, your data may not remain accurate.
  • Identify the information that needs to be synced between Fishbowl and QuickBooks.
  • Mark the vendors, customers, and employees that are and are not needed to be synchronized.

How to Do Fishbowl QuickBooks Integration?

QuickBooks Integration Wizard is useful for syncing the information of Fishbowl. The wizard can be opened via Fishbowl. For opening it, however, you need to completely install the accounting software as well as the application. Then through the Accounting Integration module available in Fishbowl, you can start the configuration. This configuration will help you sync your Fishbowl and QB accounts.

Below, the Fishbowl QuickBooks integration method via Integration Wizard has been explained further:

  • Start by installing “Fishbowl” on your server computer.
  • Now, install “QB” on the same system.
  • Sign in to “Fishbowl Client”.

Note: Ensure that the admin credentials are used for signing in to “Fishbowl”.

  • Access your “QB” account.
  • Switch “QuickBooks” to “Single-user Mode”.
  • Move to “Fishbowl”. Here, you need to run “Accounting Integration Module”.
  • Tap on “Configure”.
  • Select “QuickBooks Connection”.
  • Follow the displayed instruction to start the process of mapping.
  • Then tap on the “Next” button.
  • Create a user in “QB”. Select “Company”.

Note: The user that you make in this step will be used for exporting purposes in “QuickBooks”.

  • Click on “Users”.
  • Choose “Set up Users and Roles”. Now, the user can be made as well as set up.
  • Ensure that “Full Access” has been provided to this user.
  • As per your preference, you can set up one password.
  • Tap on “Next”.
  • Opt for “Use the File Currently Opened in QuickBooks”.

Note: It is possible that no company file may be running in the accounting software. You can select “Browse”. Then you can pick a file and run it. 

  • Press the “Next” option.
  • Install “.NET 4.0” to continue integrating your accounts.

Note: Certain computers may not be equipped with “.NET 4.0”. In case the installation procedure does not work in getting it, you can update your Windows computer. Post the update, “.NET 4.0” will be available. You will have to ensure that it has been enabled.

  • Wait for “Fishbowl” to form a connection with your “QuickBooks” account.
  • For new users, a box will appear. Using the box, the users will have to enable access to their company files. Click on “Yes, Always; Allow Access Even if QuickBooks is Not Running”.

Note: The option mentioned above should be chosen only when you agree to export your information to “QB” without accessing it on the same server system.

  • Choose the user that was earlier made in “QuickBooks”.
  • Select “Continue”.
  • In the appearing dialog box, press “Yes” for providing access.
  • Move to “Fishbowl” one more time.
  • Pick the same company file that was earlier selected in “QuickBooks”.
  • Opt for “Use the File Currently Open in QuickBooks”. Alternatively, you may use “Browse” to look for the file.
  • Press “Next”.
  • Mention whether the default account of “QB” or “Fishbowl” will be used.

Note: For your information, it is essential to know that up to 21 accounts can get created in “QB” when the default account of “Fishbowl” is selected. Also, when you prefer an existing account of “QB”, the same number of accounts will have to be mapped. To be sure of the default account that should be used, you may seek help from your accountant.

  • Press “Next” once the selection has been made and mapping has been done.

Note: For changing your default account, you will always have the option of moving back. Then you can make the desired changes and use any other default account.

  • Choose the data of “QuickBooks” that has to be imported into “Fishbowl”.
  • Tap on “Next”.
  • Let the import of data be successfully completed.
  • Then select “Finish”.

Note: To view currencies, you can select “Currency Module Options”. Alternatively, you may tap on “Update” after opening the module. The currencies will get imported on their own.

After executing these steps, Fishbowl and QuickBooks integration will reach completion in a while. The purchase orders, inventory, etc., will be handled by the Fishbowl application post the integration. You may not be required to keep a track of the same in your QuickBooks account. As per your preference, you may visit the Edit option to turn off the items in the accounting software.

Benefits of Fishbowl and QuickBooks Integration

These are the main benefits of syncing your QuickBooks and Fishbowl accounts:

  • Exporting your data between QuickBooks and Fishbowl is easier with the integration.
  • This integration enables you to import your information between accounts.
  • The records of your financial information can be managed better.
  • You are able to safely move your information without losing any of it during the integration process.
  • Synchronization being accurate, you may not notice any errors in your information during its import or export.
  • With Fishbowl inventory QuickBooks integration, a larger part of your business can be easily managed.

Coming to a Conclusion

When you use Fishbowl, professional influence can be obtained for your business. Interestingly, by opting for the application’s integration with the QuickBooks software, managing your business operations can be simplified. Thus, with professional influence and managed operations, your business can be run in a better way. For integrating the platforms, we equipped you with the necessary information posted here. Let us know your views on it.

Do you know how to perform WooCommerce QuickBooks integration? Should you have no knowledge of it, consider reading this post. We can also assist you with QuickBooks Amazon integration methods.

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